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Harry Potter is my Water Cooler BFF

You’ve heard of “Take your child to work day”, but here at Zive, we like to switch things up, so we hosted a “Take your favorite Wizard to Work” day.

Ok, not really. We started thinking of what it would be like if cast members from our favorite TV Shows and Movies worked with us for a day. Naturally, as a team of 80s and 90s babies, the crew from Harry Potter was the perfect place to start. If you're wondering what it would be like to work alongside the likes of Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Hagrid, then you’ll want to read on - we’re about to spill the tea.

We’ll dish on their roles in the workplace, their strengths, and what others have to say about working with them. Be sure to tell us which of the characters and roles YOU identify with, and which characters your colleagues resemble. (Be sure to share with them and let them know.)

Hermione Granger


A seasoned manager in all areas, and a bit of a perfectionist. Completes tasks three months before they are assigned. No-nonsense with a ferocious curiosity and desire to improve. Named “Employee of the Month” 47 times, despite only working at the company for a year.

Strengths: compassionate, fair but by-the-book, inspiring, and motivating.

What others have to say about Hermione: “Knowledgeable and shares that knowledge, but not in a condescending way (except for that one “wingardium leviosa” time.) Always eager to help.”

Ron Weasley


Classic Ron. Signs on to the Zoom meeting at least two minutes late, most often with hair askew. Asks lots of questions, some that were answered in the first two minutes of the Zoom meeting he was late for. Says “Ciao” when signing off, has never been to Italy, and speaks zero Italian. Very sweet, bless his heart.

Strengths: Can lighten up even the darkest of conversations and situations, approachable, cautious but skilled.

What others have to say about Ron: “Ron always has the best snacks in his office. We don’t get to take advantage of that because we are a dispersed team, but we can hear all the snacks during our calls. Great snacks.”

Harry Potter


A relentless need for hunting down new (and old) contacts. An avid user of all available productivity tools, he makes quick work of even the most complex business opportunities.

Never one to shy away from a threat or challenge, Harry intuitively knows how to handle a changing sales landscape and does so with ease.

Strengths: Easy to talk to, and a real go-getter. Performs well under pressure. Born leader. Insatiable hunger to learn and evolve as an individual and employee.

What others have to say about Harry: “An absolute Legend and quite the trendsetter. Coincidence that Harry Potter wears circle glasses, and all of a sudden they are in-style?! I think not.”



Hagrid, Hagrid, Hagrid. Everyone who has come through the organization has been blessed to work with Hagrid. A loyal, caring and loving friend and colleague, Hagrid is always the #1 go-to person for a reference because of his high regard amongst his peers, and his willingness to say sweet things about them. Always remembers important dates like birthdays and anniversaries.

Strengths: Easy-going, nurturing, knowledgeable on all things.

What others say about Hagrid: “If I need an unbiased opinion, Hagrid is my go-to person. Plus - I have two words - Office. Unicorn.”

All in all - Hogwarts breeds A-Players. If you ever find a resumé of a Hogwarts alum on your desk, and they're not one the most qualified people you've interviewed this year, then feel free to come back here and I will refund you for the time you spent reading this. (Maybe.) We hope you loved it! Feel free to share with a friend. And, speaking of friends, Stay tuned for next month’s post - where we will be fangirling over the cast of F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Do you work with a Ross, Rachel, or Monica? Let us know!

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